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CPTEn thematic axes

Artificial intelligence and data science for energy management

While creating a database to support energy management in the State of São Paulo, this first Axis uses artificial intelligence for the development of technological solutions aimed at energy efficiency. In order to do this, researchers apply data extraction systems on consumption and energy expenditure data gathered from public buildings. As a primary input for this work, electricity bills are resources that provide information used in diagnoses and indicators that are subsequently provided to public consumer units, allowing, according to their characteristics, the implementation of more effective strategies for management, efficiency and energy transition.

When interacting with the São Paulo Center for Energy Transition Studies (CPTEn), public managers gain tools to help them in decision-making (related, mainly, to energy demands and sourcing contracts for the institutions they administer). These tools are able to predict certain consumption patterns and make suggestions for investment reallocations and other issues, benefiting more than 30,000 government buildings in São Paulo. Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this axis articulates industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), sustainable production and consumption (SDG 12), promotes the concept of renewable and accessible energy (SDG 7), as well as partnerships for the implementation of the goals (SDG 17).

The repository maintains the code and data analysis work developed (mainly) by Axis 1, including data access, prediction and processing algorithms.

Axis coordination

Romis Ribeiro de Faissol Atux

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