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CPTEn Thematic Axis

Education, training and qualification of agents for sustainability

Inspired by the initiative of the Interdisciplinary Community Extension Program ‘Olhos no Futuro’, developed at the ‘Escola Estadual Dr. Telêmaco Paioli Melges’ since 2019, this fifth Axis highlights and promotes training on energy and sustainability within the scope of Education. Initially, our researchers will focus on public schools, student training and staff training, aligning awareness actions in educational units associated with the São Paulo Center for Energy Transition Studies (CPTEn). Then, the project will be broadened to other sectors of São Paulo’s public administration, such as Agriculture, Security and Transport, which will see users and professionals become energy/sustainability agents. The idea here is to reframe the problems surrounding this topic through a social responsibility lens.

The educational process is understood as a transforming force for a new functioning society, in order to strengthen the institutions responsible for fully guaranteeing the exercise of citizenship and also to reduce social problems. Thus, research and projects in this Hub are based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that seek quality education (SDG 4); the reduction of inequalities (ODS 10); responsible consumption and production (SDG 12); peace, justice and institution building (SDG 16); as well as partnerships and means of implementation (SDG 17). In this sense, the context of energy transition is invested in the exercise of interdisciplinarity, minding its complexity, one that does not fit in a single area of knowledge.

Axis Coordination

Carla Kazue Nakao Cavaliero, Evely Boruchovitch

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